Student Blog: Asking My Computer Science Boyfriend What Acting Terms Mean by Student Blogger: Charlie Perkins - June 27, 2023 My boyfriend, Lewis, works in web design. I subjected him to a 45-minute interview about what different theatre-related terms mean. Do you know what they all mean? He certainly didn't. Student Blog: How Cosplaying Helped Me As an Actor by Student Blogger: Katie Gleason - June 27, 2023 'I found a hobby that can allow me to continue discovering my love for acting, and combine it with my love for my favorite fandoms. This passion has helped me grow so much as a person and performer, allowed me to meet so many incredible people, and been my escape through a lot of tough points in my life.' Student Blog: Start of the AMDA Summer! by Student Blogger: Brynn Hofmeister - July 10, 2023 The first day of school! When it comes to going back to school I have always been the biggest nerd. From the new books, new clothes, new people, different classes-it just gets a bit more exciting when you are starting your new semester of musical theater school! I attend the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in Manhattan, and when I say this is a hard school to attend, hard is an understatement. Student Blog: New York City Arts on a Budget by Student Blogger: Brynn Hofmeister - July 10, 2023 In total since being here I have seen fifty-five shows, and you just might be wondering how I do it, and to add to that, how I do it on a budget. Student Blog: Welcome to Summer: Emily Edition! by Student Blogger: Emily Townley - June 26, 2023 Student blogger Emily Townley talks about her theatre (and non-theatre) related plans! Student Blog: Welcome to Summer --- Performer Turned Choreographer by Student Blogger: Ruby Wolter - June 26, 2023 This summer, I decided to take on the task of choreographing the entirety of Seussical KIDS for a middle school summer program. I have never done anything harder, and I have never loved anything more. Student Blog: The Theater Takeover by Student Blogger: Allie Beckerman - June 26, 2023 It starts small. It always does. You’ve been hit by the theater bug. Student Blog: Guide to Summer Romance Novels by Student Blogger: sabrina oliveri - June 26, 2023 What’s not to love about two career enemies staying in neighboring beach houses for the summer and falling in love through forced small-town interactions? Whether you’re escaping to your beach house, interning at a big corporation, or working a minimum wage job to pay the bills, fantasizing about these dramatic romances will bring the beach to you. Student Blog: Fighting Imposter Syndrome as a Performer by Student Blogger: Ellie Weaver - June 26, 2023 Throughout my theater career, I have gone through periods of time where I have no confidence. I feel like I am a fake or not good enough or an imposter. So over the years, I have found a few tactics that help me maintain confidence and stay out of my head when I start to feel the negative thoughts overshadowing my abilities. Student Blog: Take a Break: What Do We Do When We Aren't Performing? by Student Blogger: Katie Gleason - June 26, 2023 'Productivity for my career doesn’t necessarily have to mean auditioning and taking jobs. It can also mean taking care of myself.' Student Blog: My Week at the Lanford Wilson New American Play Festival by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - June 26, 2023 I don’t think I’ve ever left an event feeling quite so inspired to work on my writing and wanting to work on new work. This festival was truly inspiring and I left having learned so much from all of these wonderful people. Student Blog: Summer Fun Has Begun! by Student Blogger: Lauren D - June 26, 2023 How do I keep the MT flow going? I practice music I’m working on almost every day, strengthen my knowledge through books, and learning new monologues to have in my back pocket for the upcoming school year and beyond! A good way to multitask is doing any of these tasks while getting a tan outside! It’s nice to take a break from performing, but for myself, who is still quite new to theatre life, I like to keep my brain fresh! Student Blog: A Summer of Balance by Student Blogger: Sarah Alexander - June 26, 2023 This summer definitely looks different from what I had planned back in January, but I am thrilled with the way things have turned out. I’m learning to take things day by day and enjoy every opportunity that comes my way. Between visiting friends and family, taking time to rest, and embracing new experiences, I know this summer will be balanced and full of joy. Student Blog: Starting Stella Adler by Student Blogger: Charlie Perkins - June 26, 2023 This summer, however, I am a student in group A of the Stella Adler Summer Conservatory program. This post is going to be a little introduction into my first two weeks there. So far, I haven’t found a class or a professor at Stella Adler whom I’ve disliked. The Struggle to Watch the Tony Awards As a Broke Student in Canada by Student Blogger: Dwiani I - June 17, 2023 I'm a theater lover, so the Tony Awards is important for me. But I am currently living in Canada as an international student, and that means that I can’t watch the Tony Awards as easily as those who live in the US. I did some research on how to watch it from here, but with a tight budget, it's definitely a challenge. Student Blog: “Perfect Summer” Didn't Go As Planned And That's Okay by Student Blogger: Jordanna Garland - June 17, 2023 The FOMO of it all is really getting to me. Securing an internship, moving out, and just general adulting is almost expected of college students and it’s been kind of discouraging watching my peers achieve their own goals while I feel like I’ve fallen behind. Despite what’s happened, I’m slowly realizing that I can find my “perfect summer” in more unexpected ways. Student Blog: The Un-Summer Season at Home by Student Blogger: Natalie Liew - June 18, 2023 I will be honest; I've never had a summer break before because we don't have any seasons in Malaysia. It has always been the constant heat with long schooling semesters since I was in primary school and at least a week to a month's break in between terms. Student Blog: Ruby's Survival Guide for the Musical Theatre College Audition by Student Blogger: Ruby Wolter - June 14, 2023 Each year high school seniors across the globe work tirelessly on college applications. At my high school, students typically apply to a range of 3 to 8 schools. While the normal college process is already time-consuming enough, those seeking a college experience on the stage live out a completely different senior year. Student Blog: Home for the Summer by Student Blogger: Emily Scolnick - June 12, 2023 That’s part of what summer is about: family. Whether it be your biological family, the family you find through the cast of a show, or your friends who become your chosen family, you want to spend your summers with people who make you happy. Student Blog: Summertime Opera in Rural Upstate New York by Student Blogger: Skyler Burnett - June 12, 2023 I’m from San Antonio, Texas, and have never visited New York before. When the amazing opportunity to spend my summer with The Glimmerglass Festival appeared, there was no hesitation to say yes. A dream to work alongside and learn from industry professionals came true. Now that I’m here, I’ve found myself in the middle of a beautiful nowhere which also happens to be where opera is being produced by world-class artists. It feels random, but it is extraordinary. Student Blog: Summer… What To Do? by Student Blogger: Dwiani I - June 13, 2023 School is finally over. I let myself sleep in for as long as I could. Then when I wake up, I eat whatever I wanted, and binge my favorite series. It’s like revenge. I didn’t get to do that for the past months, so now I’m gonna. But then I realize that after all that, I will have that itch to be productive again. What should I do this summer? Student Blog: Living Summer Break to the Fullest by Student Blogger: Ellie Weaver - June 12, 2023 I could not be more excited for the summer I have ahead. I look forward to meeting lots of students my age who share the same passion for musical theater as I do at the Paper Mill Playhouse Conservatory. And most of all, I cannot wait to spend my days doing what truly makes me happy. Student Blog: Crying In JAGGED LITTLE PILL by Student Blogger: Aubrey Donovan - June 12, 2023 As you get older, you begin to lose that childish part of yourself that made you feel so sure of who you are and you look for pieces to replace it. You are exposed to new emotions you never had to confront, emotions your parents never thought you’d confront. Emotions that boil at the surface and splash and burn everyone around you. But you don’t know how to handle it, you can’t find the knob to turn down the heat and reduce to a simmer. |