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Student Blog: Academic Crossovers
by Student Blogger: Carly GALBRETH - March 25, 2024

I obviously learn a lot about theatre from my theatre and music classes, but I’ve discovered the greatest beauty of a liberal arts education are the unexpected moments in which I experience theatre outside of the arts building. These experiences are helping me realize how applicable theatre is in all aspects of life. People are quick to criticize artistic and performance degrees, saying they produce false hopes that result in unemployment. However, I know my theatre degree will be relevant forever, even if I don’t pursue performing.

Student Blog: Mastering the Art: A Survival Guide For Working On Multiple Shows
by Student Blogger: Victoria Vorpagel - March 23, 2024

Navigating the intricate world of theatre is hard enough when you’re only doing one production. Doing more than one may seem impossible, but if you’re in the right mindset, you can easily channel your inner theatre superstar and get to work doing what you love.

Student Blog: 2023 Thespy Award Winner Brielle Norlie on Excellence in Stage Management
by Student Blogger: Austin Watts - March 25, 2024

Brielle's overall goal with stage management and in life in general is to make people feel valued, heard, and as if they matter. She strongly cares about helping people find joy, whether that be because she met them as a stage manager, or just as another acquaintance, she believes everyone deserves to feel fulfilled.

Student Blog: A Big Guide to Making a Musical Theatre Audition Book
by Student Blogger: Jules Donohue - March 23, 2024

Hi! I'm back with another post that has advice about something that I am actually really confused about in my life right now! The topic is: making a good audition book of musical theatre songs (Cont.).

Student Blog: A Love Letter to Queer Storytelling
by Student Blogger: Austin Watts - March 25, 2024

Despite the fact that much of the evolution of the entertainment industry over the last century could easily be attributed to queer artists and their work, it is only in recent years that both audiences and producers seem to have become comfortable with receiving LGBTQ+ stories on a large scale.

Student Blog: Cabaret Night: A Night At The Movies
by Student Blogger: Natalie Liew - March 20, 2024

Every semester, my course would host a fund-raiser cabaret where musical theatre students across the years get to perform, and I’ve had the pleasure of seeing them all since I came to university.

Student Blog: Spring is Here!
by Student Blogger: Tatiana Atehortua - March 23, 2024

I think that to make the most of your studying, you have to take breaks every now and then, and these activities are good ways to do that while getting in touch with your surroundings.

Student Blog: Being a Freshman in College... Spring Semester Edition
by Student Blogger: Jules Donohue - March 19, 2024

Here's a peek into what I've been doing since coming back from winter break and some insight about what the life of a second semester college freshman in Wagner College's theatre program looks like. In this article, I breakdown this semester's class schedule, personal highlights of the past couple of months, some dos and don'ts of spring semester, how I've grown as a person so far, and what's next for me!

Student Blog: Justice for the Jukebox
by Student Blogger: Ellie Weaver - March 18, 2024

Jukebox musicals, like Mamma Mia, have experienced mass success in both movie theaters and live on stage. But recently, some hard-core theater fans are saying they are tired of these pop-filled musicals. I, on the other hand, am here to vouch for the importance of the jukebox musical.

Student Blog: Back To School: AS A MT FRESHMAN
by Student Blogger: Vita Augugliaro - March 20, 2024

Ever wonder what a Freshman’s MT schedule is like? If not, this article is not for you but I assure you it’s not as simple and easy as it seems. Read through of what a daily freshman MT schedule is like and what interesting classes are required.

Student Blog: The Busy Life of a Theatre Student
by Student Blogger: Carly GALBRETH - March 18, 2024

Juggling classes, rehearsals, work, and friendships can be very difficult in college, especially as a theatre major. This semester, I’m taking two theatre classes, two politics classes, two voice lessons, and I’m singing in choir. In addition to the time I spend physically in classes, each demands significant work outside of class. Over the past semester, I’ve developed a few tools that help me prioritize all of my responsibilities that I want to share.

Student Blog: Trying to Manage 'Doing It All'
by Student Blogger: Ava Karlstad - March 18, 2024

Whenever life feels overwhelming, I find it best just to take five minutes and just sit.  My stress usually comes from inflating the importance or duration of different tasks to the point I feel completely out of control.  However, taking just five minutes to sit and remember how grateful I am to have the opportunity to be busy with things I love pursuing.

Student Blogger Spotlight: Meet Olivia Mathis!
by Blair Ingenthron - March 6, 2024

Get to know Olivia Mathis, a student at the Institute for American Musical Theatre, as she shares her advice on auditioning, stress management, parental support, and more!

Student Blog: My Favorite Things to Do When Seeing a Broadway Show
by Student Blogger: avery lakoff - March 5, 2024

Ever since I was young, I've been an avid theatergoer. Of course, when I was younger, my parents would plan the day, and I'd just go along, but now that I'm a teenager, I can play a big part in creating my ideal Broadway day.

Student Blog: The Art of the Crossover
by Student Blogger: Madi Spear - March 4, 2024

Some days feel like you have a foot in two different worlds. My journey at school has been unique since one day I rehearse my belt in Right Hand Man and then rigorously practice for Mozart’s Queen of the Night aria. Yet, I have found my work in both disciplines is incredibly fulfilling as I gain experience and perspective.

Student Blog: A Midterm Exam Survival Guide
by Student Blogger: Alexa Malerba - March 4, 2024

I’m halfway through the semester, which means two things: the weather’s starting to get warmer and exams are upon us. Any exam can be very stressful, but when multiple are happening in the same time frame, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. With midterm season happening now at my school, I figured this would be a perfect opportunity to share my advice in order to get through it.

Student Blog: How To Succeed In Auditions Without Really Trying
by Student Blogger: Grace O'Malley - March 4, 2024

So, in lieu of this busy audition season, I wanted to share some of my handy-dandy tips and tricks that may help you ace your next audition. I tried to stick to factors that are 100% in your control. Let’s be honest, the last thing you want to think (or sing) to yourself after you walk out of the room is “all that work and what did it get me?”

Student Blog: A Performer NOT Pursuing a BFA
by Student Blogger: Brynna Weir - March 4, 2024

Woohoo to semester two! I am, currently, a CCC (California Community College) student with plans to transfer to Cal Poly Pomona. Unlike many of my fellow bloggers, I am not a Theatre Arts major pursuing my BFA. It was a hard decision to not pursue my passion through a degree, but I couldn’t be happier (Thank Goodness!).

Student Blog: Start of Spring Semester
by Student Blogger: Olivia Mathis - March 4, 2024

But with everything that’s been going on this past month, I find that I’ve been struggling to stay present in my day-to-day life. This month I have had to constantly remind myself to take things one step at a time. It’s so easy to get caught up on what’s next rather than what you’re currently living through.

Student Blog: 'So, What are You Going to Do with a Theatre Degree?'
by Student Blogger: Grace Schofield - March 4, 2024

And going after what I want and what I want to do, isn’t silly or ridiculous in the slightest. I also am allowed to change my mind at any point in time and that doesn’t make me any less of an artist. It does not mean I failed.

Student Blog: Working Through 9 TO 5: What a Way to Make a Living!!
by Student Blogger: Natalie Liew - February 28, 2024

Opening two shows back-to-back in a month might be the most tiring thing I’ve ever done, but I’ve never felt more accomplished

Student Blog: Back to School Burnout
by Student Blogger: Olivia Stevens - February 28, 2024

For myself and many of my peers, it seems that the mid-semester burnout hits earlier and earlier with every passing year. This year it happened to hit right around the time I was reading my first syllabus; it was like I was already exhausted from the mental image of the semester ahead of me.

Student Blog: How the Other Half Lives: Balancing Your Character's Life with Your Own!
by Student Blogger: MJ Kirsche - February 27, 2024

These past few months, I’ve been working harder than I have before on improving my mindset and personal self care regimen. And honestly, it’s been great! I’m feeling happier and healthier than I have before… with only one down side. I’m currently cast in a play at my school, and while I’m very grateful and excited to be, it is very weighted.

Student Blog: A Look Into a Second Semester of a Grade 11 Student
by Student Blogger: Lex Allard - February 28, 2024

My school has multiple choirs, and I’m currently in the junior jazz choir. The experience has been great! They also offer opportunities for any crew position in the theatre world, from set building to tech, they have students running it all for their yearly productions. However, this also means that during the musical season, things will be extremely chaotic. For example, I am currently writing this essay in the corner of a Tim Hortons at noon on a Tuesday because my school had a matinee today, and classes were practically shut down for the day due to the lack of students that weren’t partaking in the musical this year.

Student Blog: AZAD
by Student Blogger: Carly GALBRETH - February 28, 2024

I had no idea what I was signing up for when I agreed to be the assistant stage manager for a workshop at my university, Wake Forest.

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