Kevin Daniels, who performed in "Up Against the Wind" at the New York Theatre Workshop, has an extensive career spanning Broadway, film, and television, including a recurring role on "Modern Family." more...
Anthony Mackie, who starred in the play "Up Against the Wind," made his acting debut in the semi-biographical drama film "8 Mile" (2002) and has since gained widespread recognition for his role as Sam Wilson / Falcon / Captain America in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. more...
Joseph Siravo, who starred in *Up Against the Wind* at New York Theatre Workshop, boasts an impressive resume including Broadway appearances in *Conversations With My Father* and *The Boys From Syracuse*, and a notable role in the first national tour of *Jersey Boys*. more...
Tracie Thoms, who made her Broadway debut in Regina Taylor's Drowning Crow, also showcased her talent in the New York Theater Workshop's production of Up Against the Wind. more...