John Ellison Conlee, who has graced Broadway stages in productions like The Full Monty and 1776, brought his extensive experience to Two Gentlemen of Verona. more...
Malcolm Gets, a multi-talented performer with a rich background in music and theatre, once graced the stage in a past production of "Two Gentlemen of Verona," showcasing his extensive training from Yale Drama School and his passion for Shakespeare. more...
Danny Mastrogiorgio, who previously showcased his talents in the New York Shakespeare Festival's production of Two Gentlemen of Verona, has an impressive resume spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theater, film, and television. more...
Steven Skybell, who once graced the stage at the Public Theater in *Two Gentlemen of Verona*, has built an illustrious career with standout performances such as ‘Tevye’ in *Fiddler on the Roof* and ‘Henry Lehman’ in *The Lehman Trilogy*. more...