Sprung from the pen of world-renowned author Thomas Keneally (Schindler's List,) Transport derives from the true story recalled by the grandmother of his wife, Judy, who journeyed in chains from Cork, Ireland to Sydney, Australia in 1846. Transport tells the story of the impoverished Irish women and young girls (the more...
so- called "undesirables") who were deported on The Whisper, a prison ship, to the Australian penal colonies. Transport's characters include members of the ship's crew, an exiled Irish priest, and four of the unfortunate female prisoners. With an authentic score by Black 47's Larry Kirwan that features traditional Irish music mixed with a contemporary Folk-Rock & Broadway resonance, Transport transcends time, place and character with a hauntingly moving immediacy intertwined with the indomitable Irish spirit and a shared and abiding humanity.