Lisa Emery, known for her extensive work both on and off-Broadway, brought her remarkable talent to the stage in "The Smell of the Kill," adding to her impressive list of credits that includes performances in "Casa Valentina" and "Present Laughter." more...
Liz Larsen, who has graced Broadway in productions such as Beautiful, Hairspray, and Rocky Horror, also starred in The Smell of the Kill, bringing her extensive stage experience to the show. more...
Mark Lotito, who has graced Broadway stages in productions like Jersey Boys and The Producers, was also part of the cast in The Smell of the Kill. more...
Claudia Shear, known for her critically acclaimed performances and versatile talent, brought her unique flair to the stage in "The Smell of the Kill," further showcasing her remarkable ability to captivate audiences. more...
Jessica Stone, who graced the Broadway stage in productions such as "Butley," "The Odd Couple," and "The Smell of the Kill," has an extensive resume that spans theater, film, and television. more...