Mark Blum, who was part of the cast of "The Music Teacher" Off-Broadway, has an extensive career that spans Broadway, film, and television, including notable performances in "The Graduate" on Broadway and "Desperately Seeking Susan" on film. more...
Jason Forbach, who appeared on the original cast album of *The Music Teacher* on Bridge Records, has had a distinguished career in theater, including his Broadway debut as Enjolras in the 2014 Tony-nominated revival of *Les Miserables*. more...
Rebecca Robbins, who performed in The Music Teacher with The New Group Off-Broadway, has an extensive career including roles on Broadway in The Phantom of the Opera and A Tale of Two Cities. more...
Bobby Steggert, known for his dynamic and emotionally charged performances, has an impressive theater resume that includes a Tony Award nomination for his role in the 2007 musical "110 in the Shade" and a standout performance in the 2010 Broadway revival of "Ragtime." more...