Joan Allen, a Tony-nominated actress for her role in The Heidi Chronicles, has an illustrious career spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, film, and television, including her Tony Award-winning performance in Lanford Wilson's Burn This. more...
Joanne Camp, who earned Drama Desk and Tony Award nominations for her role in The Heidi Chronicles, has recently transitioned from New York City to Albuquerque, where she continues to showcase her extensive acting talent. more...
Peter Friedman, who played Loyd in The Heidi Chronicles, has an extensive background in original New York productions of works by acclaimed playwrights like Wendy Wasserstein and has also appeared in notable films such as The Savages and TV series including "Succession." more...
Boyd Gaines, who earned a Tony Award for his performance in the original production of The Heidi Chronicles, has an illustrious career that includes starring roles in Broadway hits such as Gypsy and Journey’s End. more...
Anne Lange, who graced the Broadway stage in The Heidi Chronicles, also brought her talents to the Off-Broadway production of the same play, showcasing her versatility and depth in both settings. more...