Brian F. O'Byrne, an accomplished Irish actor known for his Tony Award-winning performance in "The Beauty Queen of Leenane," brought his extensive stage experience to "Smelling a Rat," showcasing his versatility and depth as a performer. more...
Cara Seymour, co-founder of the award-winning Trouble and Strife Theatre Company, brought her extensive Off-Broadway experience, including productions like The Skriker and The Village Bike, to her performance in "Smelling a Rat." more...
Eddie Kaye Thomas, known for his diverse roles in film and television, was also a part of the stage production of Smelling a Rat, showcasing his versatility as an actor. more...
Michelle Williams, known for her critically acclaimed performances in films like Brokeback Mountain and Blue Valentine, brought her remarkable talent to the stage in a past production of "Smelling a Rat." more...