Jason Alexander, best known for his iconic role as George Costanza in the television series *Seinfeld* (1989–1998), showcased his versatility by winning a Tony Award for Best Leading Actor in a Musical for *Jerome Robbins' Broadway* in 1989 and later portrayed Norman Drexel in the 2015 Broadway production of *Fish in the Dark*. more...
Dee Hoty, who recently graced the Broadway stage as Aunt Alicia in Gigi, has an illustrious career with Tony-nominated performances in Footloose, The Best Little Whorehouse Goes Public, and The Will Rogers Follies. more...
Nancy Opel, who played Huey Calhoun's mama in the Broadway production of Memphis, has an extensive career that includes a Tony-nominated performance in Urinetown and a memorable role as Dolly Levi in Hello, Dolly! at Ford's Theatre in Washington D.C. more...