Tom Hewitt, known for his Tony and Drama Desk-nominated performance in The Rocky Horror Show, brings his extensive Broadway experience, including roles in Jesus Christ Superstar and Chicago, to the cast of Othello. more...
Mary Beth Hurt, a versatile and critically acclaimed actress, brought her extensive stage experience to "Othello," showcasing the depth of her talent that has earned her numerous accolades throughout her career. more...
Christopher McHale, who has an extensive Off-Broadway resume including a past performance in "Othello" at The Public Theater, brings a wealth of experience from his work with prestigious theaters like Yale Rep and the Shakespeare Theatre of Washington. more...
Daniel Oreskes, who recently captivated audiences as Doc in West Side Story on Broadway, brings his extensive experience from both stage and screen to the cast of Othello. more...
Christopher Walken, known for his extensive and diverse career in film and television, began his journey on the Broadway stage in musicals, and his performance in Othello was a testament to his theatrical roots. more...