Davis Gaines, renowned for his extensive portrayal of the Phantom in Andrew Lloyd Webber’s "The Phantom of the Opera," also captivated audiences Off-Broadway in the Maury Yeston/Larry Gelbart musical "One Two Three Four Five." more...
Jonathan Hadary, who previously captivated audiences with his Tony-nominated performance in "Gypsy," brings his extensive experience from both stage and screen to the cast of "One Two Three Four Five." more...
Barbara McCulloh, who recently graced the Philadelphia stage in The Wizard of Oz and Jerry’s Girls at the Walnut Street Theatre, has a rich history of performances including starring as Anna in The King and I on Broadway and Mrs. Darling in Peter Pan. more...
Brenda Pressley, who graced the stage in the original company of Dreamgirls, directed by the legendary Michael Bennett, brought her extensive experience to One Two Three Four Five. more...