The Muscolinos have raised three proud and passionate daughters. But as the girls come of age in a rapidly changing world, their paths diverge—in drastic and devastating ways—from their parents’ deeply traditional values. Despite their fierce love, each young woman harbors a secret longing that, if revealed, could tear the more...
family apart. When a plane crashes into their neighborhood and life comes to a screeching halt, the Muscolino sisters are forced to confront their conflicting desires in this gripping, provocative portrait of love in all its danger and beauty.
Roundabout presents the world premiere of Napoli, Brooklyn, the latest work from Meghan Kennedy (Roundabout Underground’s Too Much, Too Much, Too Many). Long Wharf Theatre Artistic Director Gordon Edelstein (The Road to Mecca) directs this fiery and poignant new play about an Italian immigrant household in 1960s Brooklyn.