Jerome Preston Bates, known for his extensive work on Broadway including "Seven Guitars" by August Wilson, previously brought his talents to a regional production of "King Lear." more...
Zainab Jah, who has previously captivated audiences with her performances in productions like The Convert and A Midsummer Night’s Dream, brings her extensive stage experience to the cast of King Lear. more...
Christina Sajous, known for her versatile performances in shows like "American Idiot" and "Spider Man," has also graced the stage in "King Lear," showcasing her extensive experience across Broadway, Off-Broadway, and regional theater. more...
John Douglas Thompson, known for his powerful performances in productions such as Othello and The Iceman Cometh, brought his extensive stage experience to the cast of King Lear, further solidifying his reputation as one of the great actors of our time. more...