Harriet Harris, known for her Drama Desk-nominated role in the Off-Broadway production of Jeffrey, has an illustrious career that spans Broadway, regional theater, film, and television. more...
Tom Hewitt, known for his Tony and Drama Desk-nominated performance in The Rocky Horror Show, also starred in the Off-Broadway production of Jeffrey, showcasing his versatile talent across both stage and screen. more...
Edward Hibbert, who received an Obie and a Dramalogue for his performance in the off-Broadway production of Jeffrey, has an extensive list of Broadway credits including It Shoulda Been You, Mrs. Warren’s Profession, and The Drowsy Chaperone. more...
Patrick Kerr, known for his roles in "Frasier" and "Curb Your Enthusiasm," has an extensive stage career, including his performance in "Jeffrey" at Minetta Lane. more...