Roger Bart, known for his Tony-nominated performance in The Producers, brought his extensive stage experience to the cast of Henry IV Part I, showcasing his versatility beyond his iconic roles in musicals and television. more...
J. David Brimmer, a renowned Fight Master certified by SAFD, brought his extensive experience from venues like the NY Public Theater and the Metropolitan Opera to Henry IV Part I, showcasing his expertise in choreographing intense and realistic fight scenes. more...
Larry Bryggman, renowned for his performances in both Broadway and Off-Broadway productions, brought his extensive Shakespearean experience, including roles in "Henry IV Parts I and II," to the stage in past performances. more...
David Manis, known for his extensive Broadway career including roles in The Coast Of Utopia and Henry IV, has also made notable appearances in regional theaters such as the Guthrie and the Shakespeare Theater in D.C., as well as on television in shows like "Monk" and "The X-Files." more...
Alfred Molina, a versatile actor known for his extensive work in both theater and film, previously showcased his talent in Henry IV Part I, adding to his impressive repertoire that includes roles in Oklahoma! and Fiddler on the Roof. more...
Tom Nelis, a seasoned actor with a rich history on Broadway and Off-Broadway stages, brought his extensive experience to the cast of Henry IV Part I, showcasing the same talent that earned him accolades such as the Elliot Norton Award and an OBIE. more...
Daniel Oreskes, known for his diverse roles on Broadway and Off-Broadway, including the Tony Award-winning "Oslo" at Lincoln Center, brought his extensive experience to the stage in "Henry IV Part I." more...
Louis Zorich, who had a distinguished career on stage, television, and film, was a versatile actor who brought depth to his roles, including his performance in "Henry IV Part I." more...
Awards and Nominations
2004 Outer Critics Circle Awards
Outstanding Actor in a Play: Kevin Kline was nominated but did not win.