Michael Cumpsty, who won an Obie Award for his performance in Classic Stage Company's production of Hamlet, has an extensive resume that includes notable appearances on Broadway, television, and film. more...
Jon DeVries, an accomplished actor with a career spanning stage, screen, and television, brought his extensive experience to the 2012 production of "Hamlet," where his nuanced portrayal of Polonius was widely acclaimed. more...
Karl Kenzler, who previously showcased his talents in Hamlet with the Classic Stage Company, boasts an impressive array of credits, including Broadway productions like You Can't Take it With You and Mary Poppins, as well as notable TV appearances in House of Cards and Law & Order: SVU. more...
Julio Monge, who played Uvaldo in the 2012 world premiere of "Los Otros" at the Mark Taper Forum, has an extensive background in regional theater, including roles in "Phaedra Backwards" and "Antony and Cleopatra." more...