Kathleen Chalfant, a highly respected American actress known for her powerful stage and screen performances, brought her remarkable talent to "Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom," adding to her extensive and acclaimed career that includes notable roles in "Angels in America" and numerous contributions to social justice and human rights advocacy. more...
Aasif Mandvi, a versatile British-American actor known for his work on stage and screen, was part of the cast in "Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom," showcasing his commitment to powerful, socially relevant theater. more...
Maulik Pancholy, who made his Broadway debut and appeared Off-Broadway in "Guantanamo: Honor Bound to Defend Freedom" at the Culture Project, is also known for his award-winning performances on television in shows like "30 Rock" and "Weeds." more...