James McArdle, known for his award-winning performances in productions such as David Hare's adaptation of Young Chekhov's Platanov and Ivanov at the National Theatre, showcased his exceptional talent in Flora, the Red Menace, a show that took place more...
Liza Minnelli, the legendary performer who won her first Tony Award at the age of 19 for her role in the 1965 Kander and Ebb musical *Flora the Red Menace*, has since become an iconic figure in stage, screen, and concert performances. more...
Mary Louise Wilson, who earned a Tony Award for her role as Big Edie in "Grey Gardens" and a Tony nomination for her portrayal of Fraulein Schneider in "Cabaret," brings her extensive experience to the cast of "Flora, the Red Menace." more...
Awards and Nominations
1965 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Musical: Liza Minnelli won.