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"Burn This" is a powerful drama written by Lanford Wilson that premiered in 1987. The story unfolds in the bohemian art world of downtown New York City in the 1980s. It centers around Anna, a dancer grappling with grief after the death of a close friend, and Pale, a volatile more...


Joan Allen, a Tony Award winner for her performance in Lanford Wilson's "Burn This," has an illustrious career spanning stage and screen, including notable roles in "The Heidi Chronicles" and "Impressionism" on Broadway. more...
Lisa Emery, known for her extensive theatre work including her role in the 1987 production of Burn This, has also made notable appearances in film and television, such as her main cast role in Ozark. more...

Jonathan Hogan, a versatile actor with a career spanning over four decades, brought his extensive stage experience to the original cast of "Burn This," showcasing his dramatic prowess in this critically acclaimed production. more...

Lou Liberatore, who received Tony, Drama Desk, and Outer Critics Award nominations for his performance in Broadway's "Burn This," also reprised his role in the London production of the same play. more...

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Awards and Nominations

1988 Tony Awards
Best Performance by an Actor in a Featured Role in a Play: Lou Liberatore was nominated but did not win.
Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role in a Play: Joan Allen won.

1987 Drama Desk Awards
Outstanding Actor - Play: John Malkovich was nominated but did not win.
Outstanding Featured Actor - Play: Lou Liberatore was nominated but did not win.

Production Team

John Lee Beatty Scenic Designer
Laura Crow Costume Designer
Peter Kater Composer
(Incidental Music)
Chuck London Media Sound Designer
Dennis Parichy Lighting Designer
Stewart Werner Sound Designer
