Jon DeVries, an accomplished actor with a career spanning stage, screen, and television, brought his extensive experience to the cast of "August: Osage County" in the past, adding depth to an already powerful ensemble. more...
Estelle Parsons, who starred in August: Osage County by Tracy Letts on Broadway for a year and also took the show on the road for another year, is an esteemed actress known for her Academy Award-winning role in Bonnie and Clyde and her recurring role on the sitcom Roseanne. more...
Jeff Still, who has an extensive Broadway resume including a role in "August: Osage County" and its National Tour, brings a wealth of experience from both the stage and regional theater to his performances. more...
Amy Warren, who appeared in the Broadway production of August: Osage County, has an extensive career spanning Broadway, Off-Broadway, regional theater, and television, including notable roles in "The Good Wife" and "Boardwalk Empire." more...