The Awakening is an evocative and thought-provoking one-woman cabaret and two hander play. This spellbinding theatrical piece, featuring a small musical ensemble, takes the audience on an intimate and transformative journey, blending dialogue and song to explore the profound themes of memory, self-discovery, resilience, and the eternal quest for identity. It is an enigmatic duet between past and present. The Awakening centers around a woman in the midst of a life-altering transformation. Set in a dreamlike, opulent room, furnished in white, her ethereal world blurs the lines of reality, of conscious and unconscious states. Is she awake? Or is she sleepwalking? Then, she hears His voice. As she grapples with her fragmented memories and the surreal nature of her existence, she peels back the layers of her life, confronting past traumas, societal expectations, and her own internalized fears. This show contains some discussion of death and dying and mentions drinking.
Each moment shedding light on the multifaceted nature of her consciousness, it serves as a reminder that personal growth and true liberation comes from within. The Awakening is a triumph of storytelling, a fusion of art and introspection, and a testament to the enduring quest for self-realization and the follies of life.
The Gladstone Theatre is at C115-1047 Canadian Shield Ave, Kanata, On, K2K 0H4, Ottawa, ON.
Sleeping Beauty - An Annual Panto (12/27/23-1/7/24)
Robin Hood (12/28/19-1/5/20)
Avenue Q, The Musical (6/19/19-6/29/19)
Love and Human Remains (3/6/19-3/16/19)
The End of Civilization (5/13/15-5/31/15)
Venus in Fur (4/8/15-4/18/15)
The Rocky Horror Show (4/1/15-4/4/15)
Rexy! (3/19/15-3/28/15)
Bankrupt (2/25/15-3/14/15)
Two (1/14/15-1/31/15)
Jonas and Barry in the Home
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Turn of the Screw
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A Sherlock Carol
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37 Postcards
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And Then There Were None
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Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
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