Amidst the turbulent 1920's, Frank and Flora Conrad were on the edge of discovering mass broadcasting. These two unsung radio pioneers broke through the static and established the first radio station in America within their own unassuming garage in East Pittsburgh. On Air follows their untold love story, their professional victories and disappointments, as well as their journey in establishing broadcast radio as a constant companion, messenger, and soundtrack for the life of every American.
Virginia Repertory Theatre is at 13181 Hanover Courthouse Rd, Hanover, VA.
Virginia Repertory Theatre is a nonprofit, professional theatre company and the result of the 2012 merger of Barksdale Theatre and Theatre IV. With four distinct venues, and an educational touring arm, Virginia Rep is the largest professional theatre and one of the largest performing arts organizations in Central Virginia. We are dedicated to the development and production of new plays, and we seek outside producing collaboration to ensure the play has a life beyond its development and production at Virginia Rep.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (12/5/24-1/12/25)
Heartbreak Hotel
Riverside Center for the Performing Arts (1/8 - 3/2) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
Chrysler Hall (1/7 - 1/12) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
Ferguson Center for the Arts [Concert Hall] (1/19 - 1/19) | ||
Pretty Woman (Non-Equity)
Chrysler Hall (5/6 - 5/11) | ||
Georgia Rogers Farmer: Perfect Pair
Richmond Triangle Players (3/27 - 3/29) | ||
Mamma Mia!
Chrysler Hall (3/4 - 3/9) | ||
The Producers
Little Theatre of Virginia Beach (7/18 - 8/10) | ||
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