Written by Michael Mears and directed by Rosamunde Hutt, an urgent, award-winning play about the destruction of Hiroshima transfers from the Edinburgh Fringe to London’s Arcola Theatre, January 31 – February 4 2023. 1942. On a squash court in Chicago, a dazzling experiment takes place, which three years later will destroy a city and change the world forever. Featuring two actors – Michael Mears and Emiko Jane Ishii – and partly using verbatim testimonies, THE MISTAKE explores the circumstances surrounding the explosion of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, observing the event that launched our nuclear age through the eyes of a brilliant Hungarian scientist, a daring American pilot and a devoted Japanese daughter. Almost eighty years after the event which the Hiroshima Peace Memorial describes as ‘the mistake’, the play is a timely reminder of the dangers that arise when humans dare to unlock the awesome power of nature. THE MISTAKE’s debut run at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2022 won praise from critics, audiences and awards committees alike. Now this searing production transfers to London’s Arcola Theatre from January 31 to February 4 2023. **** ‘The past comes alive – a gripping piece of storytelling.’ – The Times ***** ‘A dramatic treat.’ – UK Theatre Web **** ‘An evocative, well-researched, urgently fascinating story.’ – The Scotsman **** ‘A powerful examination of humanity in the wake of Hiroshima.’ – The List Winner – Carol Tambor Incentive Award / Winner - Mervyn Stutter Spirit of the Fringe Award /Shortlisted – Sit-Up Awards / Longlisted – BBC Writers’ Room Popcorn Award