Directed by WVPT Artistic Director Jerry McGonigle, A Hatful of Rain tells the powerful story of American war hero Johnny Pope as he faces new battles on the home front. Michael V. Gazzo's play premiered on Broadway in 1955, and was adapted into a popular film starring Don Murray and Eva Marie Saint in 1968. Considered shocking and groundbreaking at the time in its unflinching portrayal of issues such as veteran health care scandals and opioid abuse, this classic drama seems even more relevant today.
The play follows a whirlwind two days in the life of Johnny Pope, his pregnant wife Celia, his brother Polo, and their estranged father. During that time, family secrets are laid bare, relationships are tested, and the Popes' picture-perfect image is shattered forever. A review of the original Broadway production, written by Brooks Atkinson for the New York Times, calls A Hatful of Rain "a play of substance," and describes the scenes as ranging from "simple and moving" to "almost unbearably powerful."
"The subject matter is very timely, but what makes this play really important is the timelessness of the themes," explains director Jerry McGonigle. "At its core, A Hatful of Rain is about hope, the redemptive power of love, and the reaffirmation that family is our greatest defense."
Hadestown (Non-Equity)
Clay Center [Maier Foundation Performance Hall] (2/23 - 2/23) | ||
Southern WV Community & Trchnical College Theatre (4/4 - 4/13) | ||
Calendar Girls
Old Opera House Theatre (2/7 - 2/16) | ||
Mean Girls (Non-Equity)
Clay Center [Maier Foundation Performance Hall] (3/24 - 3/24) | ||
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