Adapted by John Jory Run Time: Approximately 60 minutes Led by an ever-observant Stage Manager, the audience will discover the touching world of The Boxcar Children, the beloved children's book created by teacher Gertrude Chandler Warner. This classic story tells the tale of four orphans, Henry, Jess, Violet and Benny as they hide from their "cruel" grandfather and discover their independence while living in an abandoned and overgrown Boxcar. Set in the 1920s, you will see their resilience, intuitiveness and love of these siblings as they navigate learning, work and creating a safe community. With the help of many along the way, will the children create a new home or be caught by their mystery guardian-to-be? This is a meta-theatrical adaptation drawing inspiration from the seminal play Our Town and is sure to tug on every audience members' heartstrings. Expressions Festival is presented by RBC.
From the book by Gertrude Chandler Warner
DanceHouse announces 2024/25 season
DanceHouse (10/1 - 4/30) | ||
That's gay! comedy - AMATEUR NIGHT
Little Mountain Gallery (1/18 - 1/18) | ||
The Lion King
Queen Elizabeth Theatre (8/20 - 9/14) | ||
DanceHouse and The Cultch present Circa’s Duck Pond
DanceHouse and The Cultch present Circa’s Duck Pond (1/22 - 1/25) | ||
Just For Laughs - Best of the West presents: That's gay! comedy
Little Mountain Gallery (2/21 - 2/21) | ||
Sinners by Norm Foster
Metro Theatre (1/24 - 2/15) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
Mount Baker Theatre [Main Stage] (2/4 - 2/4) | ||
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