Newcastles legendary improv comedy troupe is back to put the festive fun and loopy laughter into Christmas with their hilarious epic misadventure into the unknown. Your suggestions inspire the whacky twists and turns, cookie characters, and stupidly stupendous songs, for the Suggestibles to spin into a magical musical tale of well, we can only wonder.Its all made-up on-the-spot! You can expect soppy goodies and villainous baddies, to boo, shed a tear, dance and sing-a-long, but be warned: you may fall off your seat in hysterics. So, expect the unexpected, and dont bring the kids. This show is only for the naughty big variety.Playing on our fantastical Sorcerers Apprentice set for two nights, this is The Suggestibles 14th year of Impro Pantsos at Northern Stage. This untraditional panto has become a tradition all of its own.
Ages: 18+ contains strong language and adult themes
Jonny and The Baptists: The Happiness Index
The Quarterhouse (5/30 - 5/30) | ||
NYMT Acting and Musical Theatre Workshop Day
Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (1/25 - 1/25) | ||
Jonny Woo: Suburbia
Soho Theatre (1/14 - 1/25) | ||
Walk Right Back
Wyllyotts Theatre (2/22 - 2/22) | ||
Kim's Convenience
Deby Theatre (3/17 - 3/22) | ||
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