The world is overrun by Giant Mutant Bunnies while an ambitious trillionaire cashes in on the greatest real estate deal of all time, a newly terraformed Mars.
Rabbits run amok, political instability abounds. A determined band of Scientists and Activists, The Tangleweb, grapple with the impending destruction of humanity. But there’s hope! Through the wonders of Biophysics, once known as the Red Planet, Mars, has been transformed into a habitable, greening paradise, promising luxury accommodation. The only problem is getting there.
Aboard robotically controlled ships, our intrepid crew of three, a hurtle through space. Rob Muskas, daring entrepreneur offers you a Utopia on Mars with him as your amiable host. Doctor Janice Evelyn, lead scientist of the project, yearns to witness the birth of the new world she has created. Adam, the crew of one, the voice for the common man, comes along for the ride. They face disasters on their perilous seven month journey, tensions arise as their interests intersect and conflict.Arriving on a newly transformed Mars, the three discover something which will change the course of humanity forever.
Ages: Adults, Teens.
The Barber of Selville
Opera Australia (1/18 - 2/22) | ||
Jesus Christ Superstar
Capitol Theatre (11/6 - 1/26)
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MJ the Musical
Sydney Lyric Theatre (2/26 - 5/25) | ||
The Heartbreak Choir
Ensemble Theatre (11/29 - 1/12) | ||
The Bridal Lament
Riverside Theatres (1/23 - 1/26) | ||
Bianca Del Rio: Dead Inside
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