A WAR-TORN STORY OF A BOY AND HIS BEAR CW: Violent depictions of War
Amidst the chaos of World War II, six-year-old Christopher Robin and his teddy bear find solace in an imaginary sanctuary they call the Hundred Acre Wood. A. A. Milne's original poems, quotes, and beloved characters are weaved throughout this creative reimagining of Winnie the Pooh.
'Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood' is Bearfoot's third script by Riley McLean, writer of 'Take Me to Neverland' and 'Do Your Parents Know You're Straight?' With a delightfully creative production design and only one performer bringing the wood to life, this is a theatrical experience not to be missed.
Zac Scully (He/Him) as Christopher Robin. Caitlin Price (She/Her) as Understudy/Stage Manager.
Written, Produced, Directed, and Designed by Riley McLean (They/Them)
Asst. Produced & Asst. Directed by Zippie Tiffenright (They/Them)
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