Evita focuses on the life of Argentine political leader Eva Peron, the ruthlessly ambitious second wife of Argentine president Juan Peron, and follows her early life, rise to power, charity work and eventual death. The show wows with show-stopping numbers including “Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina,” “And the Money Kept Rolling In (and Out),” “The Rainbow Tour,” and “High-flying, Adored.” The eclectic range of musical styles includes classical, with its opening choral piece ("Requiem for Evita"), instrumentals, rhythmic Latinate, as well as ballads and rock. The Sunday Times described Lloyd Webber’s score as "an unparalleled fusion of 20th century musical experience."
Year | Category | |
1980 | Best Musical | Winner |
2012 | Best Revival of a Musical | |
2012 | Best Revival of a Musical | |
2012 | Best Revival of a Musical |
Dear Evan Hansen
Charleston Gaillard Center (1/15 - 1/16) | ||
Arts Center of Coastal Carolina (1/29 - 2/23) NEW COMEDY SOUTH CAROLINA PREMIERE | ||
Back to the Future: The Musical
Peace Center (5/13 - 5/18) | ||
SUMMER, 1976
Lean Ensemble Theater (1/16 - 1/26) | ||
Hadestown (Non-Equity)
Koger Center for the Arts (3/25 - 3/27) | ||
Moulin Rouge! The Musical
Peace Center (4/22 - 4/27) | ||
Life of Pi
Peace Center (7/8 - 7/13) | ||
King James
The Warehouse Theatre (4/4 - 4/20) | ||
Tina: The Tina Turner Musical (Non-Equity)
Koger Center for the Arts (6/16 - 6/18) | ||
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