Based on the novel by Athol Fugard, Tsotsi, the Musical tells the powerful story of a hardened township criminal whose life changes forever after a bungled mugging leaves him caring for a stranger’s baby. With music composed by singer-songwriter Zwai Bala, and book and lyrics by Mkhululi Mabija, this gritty, contemporary musical adaptation is directed by award winners Neil Coppen and Khayelihle Dominique Gumede, with set design by Michael Mitchell and Neil Coppen, choreography by Standard Bank Young Artist Thandazile “Sonia” Radebe, lighting by Kobus Rossouw and costumes by Noluthando Lobese. Tsotsi, the Musical is funded by the National Lotteries Commission and supported by the Western Cape Government Cultural Affairs and Sport department. 8 – 17 Feb, 2018 at Artscape Theatre, Cape Town Book through Computicket Online Bookings – Tsotsi, the Musical PERFORMANCE DATES Previews: R150 throughout Thursday 08/02/18 at 19h30 Friday 09/02/18 at 19h30 Official opening: Saturday 10/02/18 at 19h30 R130. R200. R280 Other performances: Tuesday 13/02/18 at 19h30 R130. R200. R280 Wednesday 14/02/18 at 11h00 R125 throughout Wednesday 14/02/18 at 19h30 R130. R200. R280 Thursday 15/02/18 at 19h30 R130. R200. R280 Friday 16/02/18 at 19h30 R130. R200. R280 Saturday 17/02/18 at 14h00 R130. R200. R280 Saturday 17/02/18 at 19h30 R130. R200. R280 CREATIVE TEAM MUSIC Zwai Bala BOOK & LYRICS Mkhululi Z Mabija DIRECTORS Neil Coppen + Khayelihle Dom Gumede SET DESIGN Michael Mitchell + Neil Coppen LIGHTING DESIGN Kobus Rossouw CHOREOGRAPHER Thandazile “Sonia” Radebe COSTUME DESIGN Noluthando Lobese
Ages: 13yrs and older
Dear Evan Hansen
Artscape Theatre Centre (2/12 - 3/9) | ||
Red Riding Hood
The Masque (12/13 - 1/12) | ||
The Addams Family Musical
Homecoming Centre (formerly The Fugard) (12/14 - 2/2)
| ||
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Avalon Auditoium @ The Homecoming Centre (the old Fugard Theatre) (2/21 - 2/23)
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