This witty and moving show, affectionately crafted from diaries and letters between Coward and his stage partner, Gertrude Lawrence, tells the story of the professional and personal relationship between two of the last century's greatest stage personalities.
Although they only appeared in two productions together, PRIVATE LIVES and TONIGHT AT 8.30, Noël Coward and Gertrude Lawrence epitomised an era of high style and elegance.
The show is devised by Sheridan Morley (Coward’s godson and biographer) and is a light and sparkling collection of play extracts, snippets from personal diaries and correspondence and, of course, those wonderful songs that made Noël and Gertie the darlings of the West End and Broadway!
There’s the poignant "I’ll See You Again"; the comic "Why Must the Show Go On?"; the wistful "Where Are The Songs We Sung?", and the theatrical classic ode to a Theatre Mother, "Mrs Worthington". Scenes from plays include "Private Lives", and "Blythe Spirit" amongst others, and the revue spans nearly 40 years of their creative and enduring friendship.
NOEL AND GERTIE promises to be an evening of classy fun and entertainment by two of South Africa’s leading musical theatre talents!
Dancing Queen: A Tribute To ABBA
Joburg Theatre (1/31 - 2/16) | ||
Shirley Valentine
Avalon Auditoium @ The Homecoming Centre (the old Fugard Theatre) (2/21 - 2/23)
| ||
Dear Evan Hansen
Artscape Theatre Centre (2/12 - 3/9) | ||
The Addams Family Musical
Homecoming Centre (formerly The Fugard) (12/14 - 2/2)
| ||
Red Riding Hood
The Masque (12/13 - 1/12) | ||
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