Mozart’s masterful comedy is richly reimagined in a boundary-busting production created by director Barrie Kosky and British theatre group 1927, blending animated fi lm and live action in a spectacular kaleidoscope of 1920s silent movies, Weimar cabaret, the dark humour of Edward Gorey and German expressionism.
Immense, three-storey spiders, Nosferatu and Buster Keaton, fl appers and demons, butterfl ies and wolves – this wildly inventive The Magic Flute is like no other.
Since arriving at the Komische Oper in 2012 Barrie Kosky has presided over a period of unprecedented success with the opera journal Opernwelt calling the Komische ‘Opera House of the Year’ in 2013 and the International Opera Awards naming Kosky ‘Director of the Year’ in 2014.
Founded in 2005 by animator and illustrator Paul Barritt, and writer and performer Suzanne Andrade, 1927 has won critical and popular acclaim with works such as Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea and The Animals and Children Took to the Streets.
The Massive Tragedy of Madame Bovary
Southwark Playhouse (12/5 - 1/11) | ||
Jonny and The Baptists: The Happiness Index
The Tron (5/24 - 5/24) | ||
Here You Come Again
The King's Theatre (1/21 - 1/26) | ||
125 Live!
Perth Theatre and Concert Hall (9/6 - 9/7) | ||
NOW That's What I Call A Musical
King's Theatre (2/18 - 2/22) | ||
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