This classic book tells the story of James, a lonely young boy who lives with Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker, the most revolting Aunts in England. They make him work and slave and never let him play with other children. Then one day he meets a mystical old man who gives him a bag that contains the strongest magic the world has ever known. When James spills the bag near an old peach tree, the most incredible things start to happen and James embarks on the adventure of a lifetime with the most amazing group of characters you could ever meet!
The Birmingham Stage Company are famous for their acclaimed productions of Roald Dahl stories. In their twenty year history they have staged six Roald Dahl books and many other children’s stories including The Jungle Book and Horrible Histories.
The Massive Tragedy of Madame Bovary
Southwark Playhouse (12/5 - 1/11) | ||
Jonny and The Baptists: The Happiness Index
The Tron (5/24 - 5/24) | ||
Here You Come Again
The King's Theatre (1/21 - 1/26) | ||
125 Live!
Perth Theatre and Concert Hall (9/6 - 9/7) | ||
NOW That's What I Call A Musical
King's Theatre (2/18 - 2/22) | ||
Dance Base
Dance Base (9/12 - 9/15) | ||
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