Portal Productions presents The Portal: Cosmic Rock Opera. The production weaves together live-music, cinematography, poetry and dramatic lighting for the ultimate multi-media experience.
Experience the power of mythology as you follow Dante on his journey through deserts and mountains. While in pursuit of the beautiful and mysterious Beatrice, he is chased by archetypes emanating from his own mind.
Along the way, the audience dances, chants and trances their way deeper into the mysteries of The Portal through fractals symbolizing midnight, cosmos, fire and water.
Ain't Too Proud (Non-Equity)
Granada Theatre (3/11 - 3/12) | ||
Brahms' Requiem
The Granada Theatre (4/26 - 4/26) | ||
Chaplin's Masterpiece @100 - The Gold Rush
The Granada Theatre (2/16 - 2/16) | ||
Mozart Marathon - Two Concerts, Two Different Programs
The Granada Theatre (1/18 - 1/18) | ||
The Seven Deadly Sins
The Granada Theatre (3/23 - 3/23) | ||
Black Note Natural Tobacco Eliquids with Real Tobacco Taste (11/11 - 11/11) | ||
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