Moonlight Stage Productions presents Beautiful: The Carole King Musical, running from August 14 to August 31, 2024. The musical chronicles Carole King's journey from a young songwriter in Brooklyn, known as Carole Klein, to a successful hit-maker alongside her husband Gerry Goffin, played by Brandon Keith Rogers. Featuring over two dozen of her iconic songs, including “One Fine Day” and “Natural Woman,” the show explores her personal struggles and triumphant rise in the music industry. Director John Vaughan leads a talented cast, including Melissa Musial as Carole King, bringing to life the story of one of the most influential songwriters of the 60s and 70s.
Year | Category | |
2014 | Best Musical |
Rodgers + Hammerstein’s Cinderella (6/10/22-6/25/22)
On Your Feet! The Story of Emilio & Gloria Estefan (9/15/21-10/2/21)
A Chorus Line (8/18/21-9/4/21)
Disney's Beauty and the Beast (7/21/21-8/7/21)
Once On This Island (6/16/21-7/3/21)
Moonlight Stage Productions has produced musical theatre for audiences from throughout Southern California to enjoy for 40 years. The Moonlight is an award-winning, professional company presenting a season of four Broadway musicals in the 2,000 person capacity Moonlight Amphitheatre every summer. Our musicals are produced from the ground-up utilizing a combination of Broadway and professional regional talent. One of the hallmarks of The Moonlight experience is our full orchestras performing the music LIVE. Our brand of musical theatre is as close as you'll get to Broadway-quality without having to travel to New York. As StageScene LA remarked, New York has met its match. While Moonlight imports talent with professional credits, including Broadway, we have also exported talent to the Great White Way. Moonlight Stage Productions is renowned for providing the foundation of performance experience that numerous actors working on Broadway and nationally today acquired during the early years of their career. We are committed to producing the highest quality of musical theatre for our audience. The critical acclaim from regional press and awards from the San Diego Theatre Critics Circle signifies our commitment to producing Broadway's Best Under the Stars.
The Heart Sellers
North Coast Repertory Theatre (1/8 - 2/2)
| ||
The Book of Mormon (Non-Equity)
Civic Theatre- San Diego (6/10 - 6/15) | ||
Some Like It Hot
Civic Theatre- San Diego (1/28 - 2/2) | ||
The Merc (1/10 - 6/27) | ||
Diversionary Theatre (1/24 - 1/25) | ||
Flor de Toloache & Jacqie Rivera
California Center of the Arts (1/18 - 1/18) | ||
The Unfair Advantage: A WOW Experience
La Jolla Playhouse (2/25 - 3/27) | ||
Back to the Garden
Poway OnStage (3/30 - 3/30) | ||
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