The heartwarming musical "Daddy Long Legs" tells the story of Jerusha Abbott, an orphan yearning for a life beyond the walls of the John Grier Home. An unexpected twist of fate changes everything when a mysterious benefactor offers to fund her college education on one condition: Jerusha must write him a monthly letter detailing her experiences.
Jerusha, never having met her benefactor, playfully nicknames him "Daddy Long Legs" after seeing his elongated shadow. Through her heartfelt letters, Jerusha shares her newfound independence, academic challenges, and blossoming friendships. As she navigates the world outside the orphanage, Jerusha grapples with self-discovery and dreams of a future she never thought possible.
The musical unfolds through Jerusha's witty and insightful letters, revealing not only her journey of self-transformation but also the development of a unique and touching bond with her unseen benefactor. "Daddy Long Legs" is a charming tale that celebrates the power of education, self-belief, and the unexpected connections that can shape our lives.
Eccles Theater (1/31 - 2/1)
| ||
BFA New York Showcase
Black Box Theatre (4/15 - 4/16) | ||
A Case for the Existence of God
Meldrum Theatre at the Einar Nielsen Fieldhouse (3/28 - 4/12) | ||
Little Shop of Horrors
On Pitch Performing Arts (OPPA!) (10/24 - 11/15) | ||
Contemporary Play Festival
West Campus Mainstage Theatre (3/7 - 3/8) | ||
She Loves Me
On Pitch Performing Arts (OPPA!) (2/7 - 3/1) | ||
High School Musical
West Campus Mainstage Theatre (5/30 - 6/14) | ||
You're a Good Man Charlie Brown
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