This new original musical comedy, first staged in 2017, is back by popular demand and tells the story of an oddball friendship between a trio of singing sisters, an out-of-work Catskills comic, a limping piano player, and their grumpy Scrooge-like landlady. The Carols is a heartfelt, laugh-out-loud and hopeful musical that looks at making something right with all the wrong people.
"For a laugh-out-loud evening of theatre that will leave you smiling and marveling at the talent in Pittsburgh, The Carols is a must-see show. PGH in the Round
Book and lyrics by Jennifer Child
Music by Monica Stephenson
Directed by Erika Cuenca & Robyne Parrish
Music Director: Douglas Levine
With: Elizabeth Boyke*, Beth Johnstone Bush*Marc Moritz*, Moira Quigley*
Mandie Russak
Ages: 12 and over
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