Set against the social politics of the 1950s, this charming, funny, and moving play follows 17-year-old Ernestine Crump as she adjusts to life after the passing of her beloved mother. In search of spiritual answers, Ernestine’s father relocates the family from Pensacola to Brooklyn where the Crumps must navigate a changing family dynamic, an unwelcoming neighborhood, and a shifting set of American ideals. Crumbs from the Table of Joy questions the limits of escapism and the power of everyday hope.
Much Ado About Nothing (2/13/25-3/16/25)
The 39 Steps (5/15/25-6/15/25)
Lantern Theater Company is at 923 Ludlow St, Philadelphia, PA .
American Moor (11/7/24-12/15/24)
The Wanderers (9/5/24-10/6/24)
William Shakespeare's THE COMEDY OF ERRORS (5/16/24-6/16/24)
FAITH HEALER (2/1/24-3/3/24)
Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol (12/2/23-12/27/23)
Crumbs from the Table of Joy (11/9/23-12/17/23)
Molière's TARTUFFE (9/7/23-10/8/23)
Tartuffe (Wilbur) (9/7/23-9/7/23)
The mission of Lantern Theater Company is to produce plays that investigate and illuminate what is essential in the human spirit and the spirit of the times. We seek to be a vibrant, contributing member of our community, exposing audiences to great theater, inviting participation in dialogue and discussion, and engaging audience members about artistic and social issues. We will expand our role in Philadelphia through broader and deeper engagement with our artists, our audience, and our community. Our education programs will continue to draw from our expertise in dramatic and literary texts and in theatrical language and techniques to enrich learning in the classroom and beyond.
Linda Eder
Keswick Theatre (3/27 - 3/27) | ||
Dirty Dancing In Concert
Keswick Theatre (1/22 - 1/22) | ||
Some Like It Hot
Forrest Theatre (5/20 - 6/1) | ||
Minty Fresh Circus
Penn Live Arts (1/31 - 2/1) | ||
In the Heights
Bristol Riverside Theatre (3/25 - 4/27) | ||
Alice in Wonderland
Fulton Theatre (4/19 - 5/10) | ||
Anastasia The Musical
Abington Senior High School (2/27 - 3/1) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
State Theatre Center for the Arts (1/7 - 1/8) | ||
The Half-God of Rainfall
The Wilma Theater (2/11 - 3/2) | ||
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