Upper Darby Summer Stage presents A Year with Frog & Toad, TYA Edition, based on Arnold Lobel's cherished book series. The show follows the enduring friendship of Frog and Toad as they navigate the seasons together, teaching valuable life lessons along the way. Director Lizzy Lunardi emphasizes the importance of companionship and finding joy in simplicity, making this a heartwarming tale ideal for families. Performances feature Emma Lee-Wirtz as Turtle, Lou Lanza as Toad, Libby Shea as Frog, and Christian Schumann as Snail.
Disney’s Alice in Wonderland, Jr. (8/13/24-8/15/24)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Musical (8/6/24-8/8/24)
Disney’s Newsies the Musical (8/3/24-8/3/24)
The SpongeBob Musical (7/29/22-8/6/22)
42nd Street (7/27/18-7/28/18)
Freckleface Strawberry, The Musical (7/25/18-7/27/18)
Disney's The Little Mermaid, Jr. (7/18/18-7/20/18)
Disney's The Lion King, Jr. (7/11/18-7/13/18)
The Musical Adventures of Flat Stanley, Jr. (7/5/18-7/6/18)
Disney’s Newsies the Musical (8/3/24-8/3/24)
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Musical (8/6/24-8/8/24)
Dirty Dancing In Concert
Keswick Theatre (1/22 - 1/22) | ||
Linda Eder
Keswick Theatre (3/27 - 3/27) | ||
Forever Plaid
Fulton Theatre (4/25 - 5/18) | ||
Sesame Street Live! Say Hello
Keswick Theatre (3/26 - 3/26) | ||
MJ the Musical
Academy of Music (1/8 - 1/19) | ||
Poker in a House with Women
Temple Theaters (1/30 - 2/1) | ||
Earth Logic
Temple Theaters (1/31 - 2/2) | ||
Plays & Players Presents a reading/ performance of In the Continuum by Danai Gurira & Nikkole Salter
Plays and Players Theatre (1/16 - 1/18) | ||
The Nursery by Clifford Odets
The Sam Theater at The Flea (9/24 - 9/24) | ||
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