This production, set in the1990s, tells the story of four poor bohemians living in a rundown loft in the Latin quarter of Paris. Tragic and heartfelt, La Bohème tells the story of Rodolfo, a poet and his friends a painter, musician and philosopher.
Mimì, a fragile seamstress who lives next door, falls in love with Rodolfo. He feigns jealousy in an effort to dissuade her love, believing someone wealthier would be able to help her get better. Mimì’s health rapidly declines and finally her friends gather and watch on helplessly as she succumbs, her true love at her side.
This emotionally realistic ‘verismo’ style opera will carry you away with its melodic richness, big
hitting arias and fast moving dialogue.
Playing Ashley
Subiaco Arts Centre (2/7 - 2/8) | ||
Elixir Revived
The Aurora Spiegeltent at The Pleasure Garden (2/1 - 2/16) | ||
Crown Theatre (12/15 - 2/2) | ||
Crème de la crème Cabaret
The Ice Cream Factory (1/17 - 2/14) | ||
Bianca Del Rio: Dead Inside
The Astor Theatre (2/5 - 2/5)
| ||
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