Princess Hamlet is an adaptation of the classic play created by NYU Tisch Drama Alum Sophie Leiton Toomey. This production of Hamlet turns the story on its head in a way you've never seen before. Originally pitched and performed for NYU's Shakespeare in the Square during the pandemic, Princess Hamlet tells the story of a young woman completely and utterly lost after her father suddenly dies. Isolated from her school, her friends, her life, her throne and the boy she thought could have been the one. Hamlet's life gets completely upended when aunt marries her surviving father and the ghost of her deceased one points to her aunt as his murdered. As Hamlet's indecisiveness, depression, grief and rage pull her in every direction imaginable, and with bodies dropping all around her, some by her own actions, will Princess Hamlet die as the person that was stolen from her or the monster she herself chose to become? Created by Sophie Leiton Toomey Co-Directed by Sophie Leiton Toomey and Heaven Lei Lucas Cast: Amanda Ng as Princess Hamlet Laura Mesrobian as Queen Claudia Brendan Hodge as King Gerard Carolyn McLaughlin as Lady Polonia Julian Cividanes as Ophelio Brianna McVaugh as Laertes Alessandra Lopez as Horatio Pascal Phoa as the Ghost
Love, loss, agony, grief, family, selfishness, life...and the consequences of our actions...Princess Hamlet will take you on a journey with the classic tale as you've never seen it before.
Ages: Teen to Adult. This adaptation contains references and stage images related to suicide, self harm, depression, and uses violence and on stage death. Viewer discretion is advised.
The Flea Theatre is at The Flea Theatre, 20 Thomas St, New York, NY 10007, New York , NY.
The Flea Theatre is at The Flea Theatre, 20 Thomas St, New York, NY 10007, New York , NY.
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