“Duty Free Live! Unauthorized Imported Game Shows!” is a comedy show bringing international game show formats to (unauthorized) life by New York’s best comedians. Led by Kent Morita, Grant Mulitz, and Christopher Morucci the show will be an unauthorized localized production of segments from two smash-hit international game shows, “Would I Lie To You” and “Super Trio”, from the UK and Hong Kong respectively. “Would I Lie To You?” or, WILTY? WILTY is a British panel game show, in which two teams of comedians try to guess whether the other team is lying or not about a story shared by one of their team members. The performers read a prompt off a card (e.g. “I use a microwave as my bedside table”), and whether it's a true fact about their life or a complete fabrication (which they are reading for the first time), they must convince the other team otherwise to win a point. The opposing team tries to determine if the prompt is truth or lie for a point. The original British show brings to the forefront the wit and charm of the comedians as they struggle to keep their stories straight, and special care has been taken to preserve the soul of the show while it is performed in an American context. “Super Trio”? Super Trio is the mega hit Hong Kong variety comedy show that has been filling Hong Kong homes with laughter for decades. Debuting in 1995, the show brings light hearted laughter filled with games and segments that involve word play, agility, and a penchant for eating sushi that may or may not be filled with inordinate levels of wasabi. Our Players: Asher Perlman (The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, The New Yorker), Gabriel Generally (54 Below, Comedy Cellar), Jess Elgene (Less Of A Man, The Asylum), Phil Jamesson (Ace Watkins, The Hamlet Factory) Julia Schroeder (Changing Room), Rachel Kenaston (Flower Power Comedy, BoogieManja), Ralf Jean-Pierre (North Coast, No Suggestion), Sean Chang (Used Goods, Team Naomi, Tryouts!)
Void Main
cirqueSaw (1/8 - 1/26) | ||
Margherita Giacobbi Takes on Role as First Executive Director of Players' Ring Theatre
Margherita Giacobbi Takes on Role as First Executive Director of Players' Ring Theatre (10/13 - 10/16) | ||
Adelphi Orchestra - Shostakovich@150
Broadway Presbyterian Church (2/15 - 2/15) | ||
Rian Keating sings Jacques Brel
Salmagundi Club (1/8 - 1/8) | ||
Talent Under 10K Cabaret
The Green Room 42 (1/21 - 1/21)
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THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART PRESENTS Matisse’s Cut-Outs: A Celebration NOVEMBER 9, 2024 – JANUARY 20, 2025
The Museum of Modern Art (11/9 - 1/20) | ||
5BMF in Partnership with Orchestra of St. Luke’s: Five Borough Tour
Hostos Community College (3/25 - 3/25) | ||
Broadway's Best Kept Secrets: The Hidden Gems of New York's Theater Scene
"Broadway's Best Kept Secrets: The Hidden Gems of New York's Theater Scene" (10/30 - 9/10)
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