Audition information:
Dates: Monday, February 25th and Tuesday, February 26th: 4-6p.m.
Location: The HayLoft Performance Space at Artistree
Ages: 15 and up (can be adults who read younger)
Sally Brown (female)
Lucy Van Pelt (female)
Snoopy (male or female)
Schroeder (male)
Charlie Brown (male)
Linus Van Pelt (male)
AUDITIONS (email to reserve your slot!)
Please prepare a one minute monologue and 16-20 bars of a song for the audition. Both pieces should be in the style of the show and highlight you as a performer. Please bring sheet music or a recording to use. A pianist will be provided, but you may bring your own as well. You may be asked to sing a piece from the show or read from the script.