Casting all roles for this professional theatre production . This will be a steampunk performance of Shakespeares uncut, original text.
You can find all the information for the show, as well as the audition information pack; at :
People of all backgrounds very welcome.
Auditions are on Sunday January 26th 2020, at Chestnut Community centre, 1-3 Poplar Close, Brixham, Devon TQ5 0SA. Please arrive to begin at 1pm. (doors open from 12).
Rehearsal dates: Wednesday evenings 7pm - 9.30pm, Sundays 12.30pm - 5pm,
at Chestnut Community Centre, 1-3 Poplar Close, Brixham, Devon, TQ5 0SA, the same as the auditions. For this reason, priority will be given to performers who live in the South Devon region. Please note that you will be expected to attend regular rehearsals
Taking place in Brixham and around the Southwest (dates currently being booked) in June/ July 2020
Castings will take the form of reading and characterising excerpts from the script. A casting pack will be available soon at
As with all our shows, all persons appearing as cast and crew for this production will be entitled to remuneration as
- equal profit share (ticket-take less venue hire cost)
- portfolio photos and video for portfolio use
- copies of all press in which the character is featured
- programme credit
(and anything else we find that we are able to offer)
More information on our audition process is to be found at
Some roles may be combined, or an actor take on more than one
Due to previous incidents we need to state that
1) All cast will need to be able to attend regular rehearsals, and to be able to learn characterisation, lines and blocking.
2) Actors will be required to wear costumes
3) All people in the production are expected to adhere to socially acceptable behaviour at all times, and work as a member of a focussed team.
4) Performances are on an open-book equal-profit share basis.
5) We welcome performers of all backgrounds.
More about us: