Viking Ocean Cruises is seeking singers and dancers for new productions with casting services provided by NYC-based RWS & Associates.
Producing Company: Mertz Productions
Casting Company: RWS & Associates
Franklyn Warfield, Casting Director
Open Call for Singers who Act (Union/Non-Union) will be held Monday, June 22, 2015 at 10am (Female Singers) and 2pm (Male Singers) at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Avenue, 4th Floor, NYC.
Open Call for Male and Female Dancers who Sing and Act (Union/Non-Union) will be held Tuesday, June 23, 2015 at 10am at Pearl Studios, 500 8th Avenue, 4th Floor, NYC.
Singers who Act: Please prepare 16 bars of an opera, light opera, or art song as well as a pop/rock or contemporary musical theatre song showing range and personality. Bring sheet music in correct key; accompanist will be provided. Bring headshot and resume stapled together. You may be called back to move later the same day; bring dance clothes/shoes.
Dancers who Sing: A brief dance combination will be taught. Bring form-fitting dance attire (women bring heels and flats), headshot and resume stapled together. Select dancers will be asked to sing later the same day. Please prepare 16 bars of a pop/rock or contemporary musical theatre song showing range and personality as well as a contrasting second selection. If you have a legit sound, be prepared to show it. Bring sheet music in correct key; accompanist will be provided.
Callbacks will be held Tuesday, June 24, 2015 at Pearl Studios.
Casting will be ongoing throughout 2015/2016.
Pay Rate: $3,000-3,500/month. Travel and lodging provided.