The Phoenix Theater Company would like to announce auditions for the return of their critically acclaimed Halloween production of “Richard O’Brien’s: The Rocky Horror Show” to be Directed by Christopher Ryan and Music Directed by Jason Ferrandino with Choreography by Keri Jeanne Boe. This production is a traditional interpretation of the stage and screen classic including all of the audience-participation of the movie with the fun and excitement of a live stage show!
Auditions will be held on 8/18, 8/19 & 8/20 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Trinity on Main Performance Center at 69 Main St. New Britain, CT. The production will take place this October 18th – November 2nd with Friday shows at 8PM and Saturday shows at 8PM and midnight at Trinity on Main.
For more information you can contact our Artistic Director Christopher Ryan at