Opera House Theatre Company is excited to host auditions for our first 2024 production The Producers on Saturday, October 7 beginning at 10:00 a.m at our building at 2011 Carolina Beach Road in Wilmington, NC.
Please prepare 32 bars of a musical theatre song and bring sheet music as an accompanist will be provided. Please also bring comfortable shoes to participate in a dance call and tap shoes if you have them for a possible tap call.
10 AM - Individual vocal auditions
12 PM - Break
12:30 PM - Dance Call
1:30 PM - Continued vocal auditions and callbacks as needed.
If you are unable to attend but would like to submit online, please email your resumé, headshot (or recent quality photo) and video of your vocal audition to ohtcauditionsetc@yahoo.com by Friday, October 6 at 11:59 PM. For more information on this audition and/or Opera House Theatre Company, please visit
Book by: Mel Brooks & Thomas Meehan
Music & Lyrics by: Mel Brooks
Original Direction & Choreography by: Susan Stroman
Directed by Ray Kennedy (multi-Wilmington Theatre Award winner for Best Musical, Best Director, and Best Choreography) and music directed by Brian Whitted (former music director of Broadway's CHICAGO), The Producers runs December 30 through January 14 on the Thalian Hall main stage. Rehearsals will most likely begin in mid-to-late November. This production is a part of the annual New Year's Eve Gala at Thalian Hall, for which tickets are already on-sale. THE PRODUCERS is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International (MTI). All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI. www.mtishows.com