Laurel Mill Playhouse
Announces One More Round of Auditions
The Tempest
by William Shakespeare
Laurel Mill Playhouse, 508 Main Street, Laurel, Md. will hold another round of auditions on Saturday July 21 at 1030am for this Shakespearean play. Director Joshua McKerrow requests that all who are auditioning have a 1 or 2 minute monolugue prepared from a Shakespeare play prepared for the audition. Memorization is not necessary. The Tempest will run from September 7 through September 23 on Friday and Saturday evenings with Sunday matinees on September 16 and 23. For more information, please contact Producer Maureen Rogers at or
301-452-2557. All roles open. Please bring resume, headshot (if available) and conflicts.
Also needed: Volunteers to be involved in costuming, light/sound design and operation, stage managers, set construction and design, and publicity. Should come on auditions dates with resume or contact Maureen Rogers at
301-452-2557 or