We are having auditions for our WWI movie, "The Peace POX" on December 19th, 4-9 pm @ Los Cabos, 7467 Gratiot Rd., Saginaw, MI 48609. This phase of the movie will be all outside shots during winter weather on a muddy No Man's Land with wet and cold trenches. We will need only males: 10 who look to be 18-22 yrs old; one 26 and one 35 year-old looking; 4 late 20s to late 30s looking; 2 40-50 yrs old looking. Plan to be on-set for four wintry weekends. Some evening/night scenes. These are all speaking roles.
In addition we will need up to 20 extras, 18-22 looking, for on-camera roles but probably no lines.
Also crew.
Please complete the on-line Audition form at:
"The Peace POX"
The British
General Carleton, British Commander, aged mid 50's
Major Johnson, Carleton's Aide, aged mid 40's
Queen's Own Rifles
Lieutenant Newbolt, aged 26 - 35
Sergeant Wilshire, aged ate 20s-30's
Private Bill Bryden, aged 18
Private Victor Chapman, aged 18
Private Hubert “Pops” Griffith, aged 24
Private Charles Hughes, aged 22
Private Ernie Williams, aged 23
Private George Reilly, aged 18
Sgt. Wilshire's Family
Mildred Wilshire, aged late 203-mid 30's
May Wilshire, aged 5
Amy Wilshire, aged 3
Suzanne Wilshire, aged 2
The Germans
General Von Hoffman, German Commander, aged mid 50's
Major VonHitzner, VonHoffman's Aide, aged mid 40's
Lt. Wenzel, aged 26-35
Sergeant Schulz, aged late 20s- 30's
Private Ernst Haeckel, 18
Private Hugo Klemm, aged 18
Private Max Metzgar, aged 18
Private Kurt Zehmisch, aged 24
Private Ludwig Renn, aged 35
Sergeant Schulz' Family
Madeline Schulz, aged late 20s- 30's
Johann “John” Schulz, aged 8
Katrina “Kate” Schulz, aged 5
"The Peace Pox"
The War to End All wars was barely five months old. Almost a million people had been killed or wounded.
Millions of brave men, mostly clueless pawns, joined up and marched out to kill each other for God and Country; just like their fathers before them and many generations to follow.
By the end of this senseless slaughter a whole generation of men had been lost. One memorable event survived this debacle.
It happened like this. . .
Suddenly, a disease, the Peace Pox, broke out infecting both friend and foe. More virulent than small pox, the Peace Pox lasted just a few hours. Those infected were unwilling to fight during the course of the disease.
Despite the best efforts of the generals, the Peace Pox spread along the Western Front, sparing few. Eventually, the generals were able to eliminate the Peace Pox and develop an effective inoculation regimen.
POX is the story of a few soldiers, British and German, who were affected most by the Peace Pox and suffered most from the cure. Join the Queen's Own Rifles and the Saxons as they challenge each other to live while others plot their death.